Escorts Liniers
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Escort Liniers
What is the ideal client for an escort in Liniers like?
The ideal client for each of us varies according to our individual perspective of what a perfect date would be like.
However, there is something that cannot be denied, and that is that absolutely all the escorts at Liniers value a client who is respectful, kind, gentlemanly, polite and who respects the rules we have to offer our services.
Liniers escorts are very professional when it comes to offering and providing our services; Therefore, an ideal client is the one who meets our expectations and rules.
What to do if a Liniers escort rejects a client and he keeps insisting?
It is very rare for Liniers escorts to turn clients away, we like to offer escort services to distinguished gentlemen who request it and are willing to pay for it.
However, there is always the possibility that we may reject someone who wants to hire our service and they do it in the wrong way, ie they are disrespectful or rude.
If these customers are insistant, the first step to drive them away is to make it clear to them why we will not provide our services to them. If this does not work, then we may choose to block their phone number.
How does a whore in Liniers avoid falling in love with a client?
Liniers escorts are completely professional in our profession and we see it as a service we offer, where feelings should not be mixed. This does not mean that this situation does not happen, but it is up to each one of us to handle this situation.
If this happens, there is no checklist of steps to take to resolve the situation. However, we should try to move away from this customer if we believe that he or she may cause an inconvenience.
Our professionalism must always be at the forefront of every appointment.
What qualifies as an unpleasant experience for a VIP escort in Liniers?
This answer will depend on each escort answering the question and their personal experiences.
In general, a bad date or an unpleasant experience usually happens with clients who show a bad temperament from the very first moment and we still decide to attend them. This happens when escorts are new to this profession.
It can also happen that once we have made the appointment, the client changes his character, does not want to comply with our rules, does not want to use a condom, among others.
An unpleasant experience will always depend on the perspectives and rules we have as escorts for a date.
Which clients do Liniers escorts generally reject?
At Liniers, we escorts are very friendly with our clients and we are always willing to offer our services to the gentlemen who contact us. However, most of us work independently and that gives us the possibility to accept or reject clients.
Generally, the reason why one of the escorts in Liniers may reject a client is because he is rude, ill-mannered, with bad hygiene, disrespectful, insinuates or directly asks for a discount on our prices; even because he has already put one of us through a bad situation.